I just want to keep kissing Ellen Sauchelli every day for the rest of my life. I don’t know how she did it, but she managed to create the most glamorous, right on website that is so “Linda,” for the most unorganized mom in the world. She kept me on task, and actually I think she is really a psychologist because we have talked about the most bizarre stuff, and she listened, and the next thing you knew, we had a website!
My most favorite “imagineer,” my web genie, my internet guru and all things Hip Mom is Ellen. God Bless you for dealing with me for two years. Love is an understatement.
Stage Door Designs was founded in 2010 by Ellen Sauchelli and Carter Sayle. As marketing professionals and webmasters (as well as each having a child in the 'business', they support the arts community with all the tools needed to highlight and market themselves in a competitive industry. Come to Stage Door Designs for website services, resume design, info on working industry tools, leads of classes, representation and more!
Carter and Ellen have first hand knowledge and a special expertise working with families that are seeking to start a young career.
LEARN MORE AT: www.stagedoordesigns.com or send a note to: [email protected] COUPONS AVAILABLE HIPMOMresume - $25 off an actors resume design HIPMOMweb - A free blog page setup on any new website