Anybody that knows me, knows I am not the Chanel type. Not that there is anything wrong with the Chanel type, but being a protégée of Jackie Kennedy who could probably have rotated the same ensemble to every congressional event in a different color, is just not my gig. God rest her gorgeous soul. However, Coco Chanel was a brilliant woman, and her quotes floor me, because no matter what your fashion style, they just fit. Check ‘em out:
"A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future." I think this about sums it up. I am a downer on smells ... smelly mom, smelly kids, smelly anything, I totally take note when someone is wearing perfume and when they aren’t. I love various scents … mostly florals. Perfume sets the mood, and tells everyone, yeah, I am clean, and you can come closer. It’s the icing on the cake after a shower, or the cover up for no shower … your pick, but smells evoke all kinds of memories from the good to the bad, so, amp up the florals, the cedars, or the musks, no matter what your plan is.
"It is always better to be slightly underdressed."
I get her point, and I beg to differ, but I get it. If you look too overdone, you look too overdone. Personally, I HATE being underdressed for anything, which is why I dress every day. I think no matter what, stay within your comfort range and don’t try to be anything you aren’t. A sporty girl who tries to go glam may not be able to walk in Louboutins and look like a fifteen-year-old wearing super heels to the prom.
“Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.” This is probably one of my favorites. Get dressed, damnit! Lol. I tell my kids all the time, you can walk into an audition, an interview, or Acme, and if you have a Harvard degree but look like a cross between Albert Einstein’s coiff and a college frat boy the morning after, you won’t get a job, a part, or a cup of coffee. But, the chick with a D+ in economics from community college with fab hair and perfect dress, will get them all. Either way, you are a stand out … why make it negative? Do you have to glam it up every second if that’s not your gig? Nope. Stay true to yourself, whatever your style is, but don’t think gym rat is acceptable for all 24 hours of a day. I certainly notice, and I hate to say it, but the world does, too.
Summary? Everybody has a comfort zone for everything. How we dress represents who we are, and how we feel about ourselves. I had a woman who worked at home tell me, that every day, even though she only made a trek from bedroom to home office, got dressed like she was going to a board meeting, every day. She felt better, more confident and was a better producer.
I don’t care if you drop the kids, and pick up the kids … look like you love your job and yourself. I see so much wasted beauty talent out there, every day. Find your style, your heart, and do your best. Your public and your psyche will thank you.
In our fashion section, each day I will describe and pic my OOTW (outfit of the week) … but I invite you to send your pics in, and show us your style, from athletic to secretarial conservative to addicted to People Style Watch, (that’s me, lol).
Bring it on, and keep Coco Chanel in your hearts. Oh, and ladies:
“As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!”